
Healthy Diet Plan by Professional Dieticians in HK and Singapore

Who We Are?

Our dietitian is a certified health care professional that can help you find that nutritional balance and achieve your goals with over 15 years of experience helping individual from all ages to maximize their nutritional potential. She is well rounded, realistic and provides individual plans based on your nutritional needs and personal goals.

What Is Nutrition?

Nutrition is defined as obtaining nutrients from food and utilizing those nutrients for health and growth. These nutrients are essential to obtain optimal health, performance and longevity. Nutrients come from food but getting adequate nutrition isn’t as easy as eating food as not all food is nutritious. Simply put, food is our fuel like gas in a car, if we consume poor fuel then we don’t run properly.

What Are The Benefits?

Dietary needs are unique for each person and anyone can benefit from seeing a dietitian. All individual will benefit from a detailed balanced dietary plan that:

  • Provides nutritional education
  • Assesses dietary habits and mental barriers
  • Improves energy,
  • Increases athletic performance and stamina,
  • Enables healthy weight regulation,
  • Wards off serious illnesses and disease and most of all,
  • Improves life span and quality of life.

Our Dietician

From USA. Professional dietician with over 15 years experince. Specialized in sports nutrition
cardiovascular problem nutrition and weight loss. She provides well rounded and realistic nutritional plans.
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